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Striking Simplicity Through Animation

Conveying complex messages in a way that’s easy to understand and consume is vital for any firm’s internal and external communications. Top-quality animated videos from SNS Group’s experienced team represent a refined solution to a tricky and enduring challenge.

Whether you’re looking to train staff or simply promote the benefits of a product or service, you need to know your target audience really grasps what you’re telling them. It can be daunting trying to figure out how best to communicate the message and the information you need to share. That’s where SNS Group’s dedicated animation team comes in.

Our animators, videographers and designers have decades of experience working with clients from start-ups to blue chip brands. We can provide the advice and guidance you need to create animations which are perfect for any audience – grabbing people’s attention and making even complex information easy to absorb.

The beauty of working with SNS Group to create your animated videos is that we can handle the whole process. Our professional designers, animators and editors can take an initial vision and turn it into a beautifully polished animation. Seamless collaboration between our various in-house departments ensures the production process is as streamlined as possible. With the help of SNS Group, your business can share striking animations which will help your brand in a multitude of ways.

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Some of Our Animation Work…

Have something in mind? We’re always here to help

“An absolute pleasure to work with SNS. They bring a range of creative talent and work ethic and I can't recommend them enough. A great company with great people and we will definitely be working with them in the future. Thanks so much guys!’

KD MediaPippa Barker

“SNS Group have provided a professional service time and time again for us at Sporting Chance Initiative. Our projects can demand very different needs and SNS Group always adapt to meet these. Video Producer David McCaffrey uses his years of experience to add value to shoots and ensures everyone is comfortable, maximising the end result.”

Ryan CarenduffSporting Chance Initiative

“Scottish Water is working with SNS Group to publicise and record key parts of our investment, such as the ongoing £250m investment in our wastewater infrastructure across the Greater Glasgow area. This investment, the biggest since Victorian times, includes the Shieldhall Tunnel and major flooding projects across the area – work that is hugely important to help improve river water quality, tackle flooding and enable the area to grow and develop in the future.

The skill and expertise of SNS Group is enabling Scottish Water to capture the very essence of these projects, and the workers and communities involved, often in spectacular fashion.
SNS Group are always highly professional, imaginative and trustworthy. And, importantly, they’re also great fun to work with.”

Scottish WaterKeith Sinclair

"Working with David McCaffrey at SNS Group is always a pleasure - not just because he ‘gets’ what the job is - but also because you know you are in a safe pair of hands. That’s especially important if you are under pressure to make a deadline. He comes up with ideas and even if there is a problem, he always seems to find a way to solve it. I would have no hesitation in recommending David for any video production projects."

Alison Walker TVAlison Walker
Worker from Scottish Water working on the Shieldhall Tunnel

Scottish Water Shieldhall Tunnel Development

Lads42 Opening Animated Video Graphic

Ladbrokes – #Lads42

Tonsil Toilet Animation thumbnail

NHS Lanarkshire, Tonsil Toilet Animation

Quick on the Draw

When you have complex information to share, or a high volume of detail to impart, your main concern has to be ensuring your audience understands what you tell them. Written content can be dry and difficult to digest, while intricate detail could take a long time to cover in a traditional video.

Animated videos represent an ideal solution. Professionally produced animations help to boil down complicated processes or involved explanations into easily consumable blocks of content. Within a few seconds, the right animation could tell its audience more than you could ever hope to impart via a press release or a newsletter.

The animation team at SNS Group works with a variety of clients and are passionate about what they do. They have all the experience and expertise needed to deliver the kind of visual content you require. They also offer everything required to make your vision a reality, from advice at the outset through to expert input into movement and manipulation within the animation itself. By working with SNS Group, you can acquire outstanding animations to serve a multitude of purposes – promoting the finer points of your products, teaching staff the ins and outs of new roles, and plenty more besides.

Bringing Your Message to Life

Whatever message your brand or organisation needs to impart, you’re sure to be passionate about it. That passion drives you to be successful, making you feel committed to your company. Yet conveying that commitment and belief through internal or external communications often proves challenging.

Animation is a great way to bring life and vigour to your message. An animated video lets you tell a story in a lively, engaging way that your audience is sure to appreciate. There’s no better way to explain how a product or service will change a prospective customer’s life, or why your project is something would-be investors should be excited about.

Enthusiasm and vitality are much easier to convey via animated content than in a filmed video or other visual content. SNS Group will build on your brief to create animated videos capable of blowing away any audience. Our talented designers work hard to understand your vision for a project, before leveraging their extensive experience and top-level skills to create the finest content possible.

Telling a Thousand Words

When you’ve got an important message to convey, or exciting information to share, you want as many people as possible to see it. In the same way, when you’re promoting or marketing your brand or products, you want to reach the widest audience achievable.

Animated videos are perfect for sharing via almost any channel. An animation can easily form the basis of a tweet, Facebook update or other social media post. Used in that way, it becomes an eye-catching visual that will make plenty of people stop scrolling and watch. Email marketing campaigns are also proven to be more effective if messages contain a video. Featuring an animation in a marketing email is a great way to liven it up, and make recipients give your message more attention.

If you have a particular use in mind for any animated video, be sure to discuss it with the SNS Group team. Our extensive experience in animation means we’ll be able to advise you on how to produce the perfect video to meet your needs.

Time and Money

Whatever your field, or the ultimate purpose of any project you commission, you want to know you’re getting value for money. Animations excel in this regard, along with the other notable benefits they deliver.

Animation is a highly skilled and complex process, but it doesn’t require the same manpower or filming time as a traditional video. You don’t need to factor in costs associated with hiring actors and reserving locations, or block out as much time in your diary (or those of your colleagues) to take part.

Animated videos often stand the test of time better than other video content. Due to the evolution of video technology (plus ongoing changes in fashion), a filmed video could date surprisingly quickly. That might leave you needing to produce a refreshed video in just a few years’ time. Conversely, a professional animation from SNS Group will continue to provide relevant and fresh information for however long the information it contains remains relevant. Our designers apply cutting-edge techniques to give animated videos a timeless quality, meaning you can use them for many years to come.

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