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The loves of my life will always be my amazing wife Linda and two wonderful kids Neal and Claire, who have grown into outstanding young adults.

But close behind is another ‘baby’ that I have nurtured for over three decades – SNS Group, the company I founded 30 years ago as Scottish News and Sport.

We have seen a lot together. A world without Internet suddenly transformed by three www’s. Digital cameras, mobile phones and laptops, lenses that cost more than a family car, the birth of Google, Facebook, Twitter. Graphic animation, video, 24/7 social media.

My agency has lived through it all AND a financial crisis which literally brought the world to its knees.

Like any family, there have been highs and lows, trials and tribulations, heated words, laughs and tears. An absolute roller coaster ride.

Along the way I have worked with some wonderful clients and made many friends in business. I even had the honour of writing a book with my footballing hero, Jimmy Johnstone and witnessed the Commonwealth Games in my home city of Glasgow.

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As a friend once told me: It’s been better than working!

But what I cherish most is the people I have worked with at SNS, past and present. Strong characters, talented individuals, the odd maverick but above all many genuine human beings. It’s a privilege to call so many my friends.

Thanks to everyone who has played a part in the 30 year adventure. We are not going away and SNS will continue to raise the bar for our clients and unearth new talent. But for now let’s raise a glass to celebrate a very special anniversary.

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